I occasionally update here every few months or so. If you want to follow latest news and research, please check my Twitter account.

I am a fourth year PhD candidate (will finish soon!) in computational biology at School of Life Sciences in Technical University of Munich (TUM) under supervision of Fabian Theis. My PhD is focused on developing machine learning algorithm to analyze single-cell genomics data.

My main focus is leveraging single-cell technology and machine learning for and drug discovery. In the first year of my PhD, I developed scGen a tool to analyze and predict the effect of a perturbation (i.e drug, disease) at single-cell resolution. To learn more about the the model, you can check our paper in Nature Methods and media coverage in TUM website. I am also a huge advocate of using ML to facilitate single-cell analysis for every one, regardless of their stat or ML knowledge. I developed a model called scArches leveraging transfer and life-long learning update multi-modal single-cell atlases with new query datasets. This started a research direction in single-cell computational field called “reference mapping” which is an active area of research.

Apart from academic research, I worked with drug discovery companies such as Cellarity. I am also collaborating with Facebook AI centered around machine learning for health and recently admitted to FACEBOOK AI research intern program.

Before starting my PhD, As a part of my master thesis thesis, I developed Deep packet, the first end-to-end model to replace classical rule based approaches for traffic classification. The model was favoured by The research community and has been cited nearly 400 times since 2019!


  • Computational biology and AI
  • Drug discovery and design


  • PhD in Computational Biology, 2021

    Technical University of Munich

  • MSc in Artificial Intelligence, 2017

    Computer Engineering Department, Sharif university of Technology

  • BSc in computer engineering, 2015

    Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Tabriz University
