Source Themes

Multigrate: single-cell multi-omic data integration

Multigrate uses variational inference and multimodal learning to integrate multi-modal single-cell datasets.

Mapping single-cell data to reference atlases by transfer learning

Large single-cell atlases are now routinely generated with the aim of serving as reference to analyse future smaller-scale studies. Yet, learning from reference data is complicated by batch effects between datasets, limited availability of …

Jointly learning T-cell receptor and transcriptomic information to decipher the immune response

mvTCR uses variational inference and multimodal learning to integrate T-cell receptor sequences with gene expression.

Compositional perturbation autoencoder for single-cell response modeling

Recent advances in multiplexing single-cell transcriptomics across experiments are enabling the high-throughput study of drug and genetic perturbations. However, an exhaustive exploration of the combinatorial perturbation space is experimentally …

Out-of-distribution prediction with disentangled representations for single-cell RNA sequencing data

Learning robust representations can help uncover underlying biological variation in scRNA-seq data. Disentangled representation learning is one approach to obtain such informative as well as interpretable representations. Here, we learn disentangled …

Conditional out-of-sample generation for unpaired data using trVAE

While generative models have shown great success in sampling high-dimensional samples conditional on low-dimensional descriptors (stroke thickness in MNIST,hair color in CelebA, speaker identity in WaveNet), their generation out-of-sample poses …

scGen predicts single-cell perturbation responses

Accurately modeling cellular response to perturbations is a central goal of computational biology. While such modeling has been based on statistical, mechanistic and machine learning models in specific settings, no generalization of predictions to …

Deep packet: a novel approach for encrypted traffic classification using deep learning

Network traffic classification has become more important with the rapid growth of Internet and online applications. Numerous studies have been done on this topic which have led to many different approaches. Most of these approaches use predefined …